Zone q
the situation
is tense. non-compliance
will henceforth mean
war. yes! You back here!
WAR. you three letter word
bright banners soon cry of films and museums and magical swords
all peace loving people you say to your friend
unite let's meet soon again
too late dude this phrase when all has been done
has been ambushed last night with drones and new guns
on TV in Paris on Champs Elysees
why eerie? you smile
all close the ranks right.
all talk the fight All.
all gather those ribboned blackyellow bands
and pray for our soldiers
in forsaken lands
all minds slowly downed by virus might
just three letters long. just three.
marchons enfants enfants
soon motherboards will overheat and over-
write the memories
all letters jumbled
at flickering fog's blunt cutting edge
the fever curse
the scream
it's BACK