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Christmas Card entitled Star by Erwin Brahe
"Star" by Erwin Brahe

SUBJECT: The December theme is: REFLEXION

Fernando Pessoa wrote: O poeta é un fingidor. / Finge tão completamente / Que chega a fingir que é dor / A dor que deveras sente. In open translation: The poet is a feigner. / He feigns so completely / that he ends up feigning that he is pained / by pain he really feels. Hamlet feigns the events that haunt him in a play before his uncle's court. This play forces Claudius to face up to the fiction and sham of his rule. An army and the sword of a Fortinbras could not have forced him to this. Here is the power of the poet's feigning: it is the peculiar power of reflexion. Of this, the latest Editorial in turn provides its reflexion.

SUBJECT: The September theme is: LIFESPAN

This month's photographer James Henson gave us an example of how the world with its goddess Tyche - the one who rules over chance - must collaborate in everything we set out to do creatively. The displayed photograph was taken with a small electronic compact camera in Tokyo. Apparently there was not much time before the train, visible in the photograph, would leave the station. James hoped that light reflexions would reveal something interesting, so he pointed and shot repeatedly. All creative people know this: you wait patiently like a surfer in the sea, waves come and go, you paddle for the right place, good fortune then brings you a wave that you can ride, you jump on and your skill and the wave together create the beautifully dancing ride to the shore. Fortuna fortes adiuvat, and strong is he who has prepared his skill.

SUBJECT: Submission and Sponsoring now open!

We hope that the themes selected for may resonate with a lot of people: love, war, life, the world, technology, choice and others that will appear here over time. While a theme is universal, the perspectives on it will be various. We invite you to submit your art work to the Foundation, as such a perspective on one of our themes. It could be a poem, electronic visual art or indeed an essay. Please use the submission form on the CONTACT link. We promise to reply via email.

If your art work is accepted, we will eventually publish it with full credentials on this site, forming a web of multiple perspectives around a common theme, as a unitas multiplex through art. With it we may see what is common to us all by looking at what is different.

SUBJECT: The July theme is: WAR

The Foundation recently commissioned a number of electronic graphics from Erwin Brahe who has travelled extensively in Japan. This month's work entitled Hiroshima belongs to this body of work. We plan a special exhibition of this broader collection on the website at some point in 2011.

SUBJECT: Launch of

Welcome to the website of the Foundation!

Here are some of the beliefs that have brought together the people behind this site: that art can liberate, heal and provoke, that science and art are cousins, that the electronic arts are fascinating and un outil pour que l'homme se découvre, that Heidegger's criticism of metaphysics makes a deep point, that quality trumps quantity, that paradox rocks, that thinking and being are woven together as one fabric: the same, that art is not education but induction, that nobility in our times is held up by responsibility, sympathy, loyalty and jolly good humour, that dualism is flat, that the world is never trivial, that practical jokes are ok, that one should live and love out there where the breakers crash, that art needs space.

And every space needs art, including the space spanned as the world wide web around the globe. Here it is: a tiny e-space for art on the web and a tiny collection of e-art for the web space: It does not sell anything, it does not preach, it does not teach, it does not dazzle or entertain. It simply wants to be viewed and read and reflected, and then leave the rest to the art work and to you.

Please browse as you would browse the world when taking tea in your town square or when listening to the silence from a hill top. We publish one poem, one electronic visual art work and one essay around a common theme at a time. Themes are added slowly around once every 2 months.

Please leave a trace of your passing through and any comments or suggestions by following the CONTACT link.

Thank you. We hope that you will enjoy your journey through this space.

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