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small red logo of the art-e-space foundation ERWIN BRAHE
BIO Born in 1941. After obtaining an MA at the Academy of Art in Krakow, the early period of Erwin Brahe's work was centred on graphic art, including for commercial purposes. A second period of work began in the early 1980ties, using oil on board with a focus on industrial landscapes. Several exhibitions of this work followed over the years in Europe. In 2002, Brahe began exploring the opportunities offered by the computer as a medium for art, using basic drawing programmes to create black and white graphic art, with the mouse as a drawing tool. Later he moved to electronic full colour graphic art, using the mouse as a drawing tool. Some of the electronic works displayed here by are the result of Brahe's repeated travelling in Japan, which was partially supported by a grant from the Foundation.
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Hiroshima 2
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sunset 2
small red logo of the art-e-space foundation ALBERT D. FIELDS
BIO Born in the 60ties, Al Fields studied electrical engineering and later obtained a PhD in information theory. His interest in poetry had an improbable beginning following an academic assignment about the role of redundancy in creative writing. Publications of some early poems in local student papers followed. Al believes strongly that poetry must be read aloud, leading him to promote poetry happening and reading events. Fields currently lives in Brussels where he works for an NGO. He writes in English and French. has acquired the rights to a cycle of 12 poems by Fields, entitled "Routines", which will appear on this site over time.
Zone q (2003)
small red logo of the art-e-space foundation JAMES HENSON
BIO James Henson lives with his wife and two small children in Melbourne. He trained as a chartered accountant and worked for several years in Singapore. In 2002, he quit accountancy and returned to Australia to study photography. For a brief period of time, James became co-founder of a life style magazine in Melbourne. He currently works freelance as a travel photographer.
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small red logo of the art-e-space foundation SHIRO KASAMATSU
BIO Kasamatsu (1898-1991) initially studied painting with Kaburagi Kiyikata and began publishing his own prints from 1919, working with the Tokyo publisher Watanabe Shozaburo. He specialised in landscapes, views of Tokyo and Noh masks. Some of his prints achieved very high popularity before WWII. By 1940, Kasamatsu broke with his publisher and became one of the few 20th century Japanese printmakers to carve his own blocks and do his own printing.
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(Early Summer Bamboo)
small red logo of the art-e-space foundation KATHRYN KENNBY
BIO Born in 1967 to American parents in Tokyo, Katherine Kennby runs an architectural design business. Her spiritual home remains in Japan where she had previously studied with a local photographer specialising in flower photography. Several exhibitions of her work in Tokyo, Karuizawa and Osaka, notably at the Kogan-do gallery in Ginza. Photography, in Katherine's words, teaches us to live now and to stop hiding in the incessant imagination of tomorrow.
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small red logo of the art-e-space foundation RICHARD KINGS
BIO Richard Kings was born into a family of Jamaican immigrant workers in England and now lives and works in Winchester, UK, where he teaches classical languages. He read classics at St John's College, Cambridge, and then continued at the SOAS in London for a Masters degree.
(no title) (2003)
nexus (2009)
window seat (2003)
palimpsest [on Ezra Pound over Propertius] (2004)
paradise lost (2010)
Mini Logo Mini Logo All photographs, artwork and poetry are Copyright 2009-2012 line logo of art-e-space. All Rights Reserved.
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